ernestdefoe I want to take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you to the site. We are glad to have you visit or small little community. Please take a moment to register and join us if you enjoy watching or talking about high school football. Make yourself at home and invite your friends to come an join us as well.
ernestdefoe Welcome to your home for all things high school football in the great state of Alabama. As far as I am aware we are the first of our kind so there is no reason this site can't grow and become the go to site for high school football discussions. This starts with you the visitor. We encourage you to become a member and participate in the community by either responding on current topics or starting your own. This site needs active and contributing members to help us grow and be successful so do your part to help us achieve it. Another way you can contribute is by inviting others to come and join us as well and encourage them to participate as well. Thank you for stopping by our little place on the world wide web.
ernestdefoe We now have the ability for what’s called a Progressive Web App or PWA for short. As soon as the issues get sorted if you have the PWA saved to your Home Screen and have opted in you will get push notifications on your phone or PC/Mac on whatever things you subscribe to. You can install the PWA now but we are still looking into why the push notifications aren’t sending.
Vercingetorix Sweet! I've been wondering about the Flarum PWA. I'm quite interested to see how it performs. Although personally I consider 'Push Notifications' as enjoyable as a swarm of radioactive mosquitoes…😂…I'll definitely be disabling them in preferences.